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Zenchef | Formitable - Table Booking integration
Zenchef | Formitable - Table Booking integration

Find out how to activate the Formitable integration yourself and see how the integration works.

Updated over 10 months ago

Activating the integration:

To activate the Formitable integration, you simply have to install the Workfeed app in Formitable, copy your 'restaurant key', and paste this into Workfeed. Find out how to do this in the step-by-step plan below:

In Formitable:

1. Go to apps and install the Workfeed app

2. Go to Settings > Widgets

3. Copy the Restaurant Key at the bottom of the page (example: d0c6fg9d)

In Workfeed:

3. Go to Settings > Integrations

4. Scroll to 'Booking & Communication'

5. Find Formitable and click 'begin integration'

6. Paste the Restaurant Key

How does this integration work?

Once you integrate Formitable and Workfeed, all your table bookings in Formitable are automatically gathered in Workfeed, allowing you to create work schedules that match the expected amount of guests in your restaurant. You can see the daily number of bookings and guests directly in the schedule view underneath each day.

When you click on the total number of guests for a day you'll see all reservations for that day as well as an overview of peak moments. Moreover, walk-ins are also shown in Workfeed - allowing you to see both the current number of guests in your restaurant as well as the amount of staff you have on the floor.


1. What data does Workfeed retrieve from Formitable?

Workfeed extracts the following details from your bookings in Formitable: The time and duration of the booking, the name of the booker, and possible notes on the booking.

2. Who can access the table booking data in Workfeed?

Everyone (employees, managers, and admins) is able to see the table bookings.

3. How often are bookings updated in Workfeed?

The bookings are updated every minute.

4. Can I disable table booking data for specific departments?

Yes, you can decide for yourself in which departments the booking data should be shown. You can manage this in the integration settings (Settings > Integrations > Formitable > Settings > Match departments).

5. Can I connect multiple Formitable departments with Workfeed?

Yes, you can match different Formitable departments with Workfeed departments. You can manage this in the integration settings (Settings > Integrations > Formitable > Settings > Match departments).

6. I can't see Guests/PAX below my schedule, how do I turn it on?

In case the Guests/PAX data is not appearing automatically, you can turn it on manually. On the right side above the schedule view, you'll find the eye '👁' icon. Once you click on it you'll be able to toggle on 'table booking data'.

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